Scientists know how to have a good time. Just ask Yahoo Serious about when he played Young Einstein. That guy really knew how to par-tay! To see for yourself this Halloween, host your very own Mad Scientist Halloween Party. Check out these ideas to really get your party started. You'll be amazed at how easily you can transform your digs into a Spooky Laboratory!

Create a spooky invitation online at

  • Invite all your scientist friends and co-workers. Online invitations allow your guests to RSVP via their laboratory without all the messy stamps and paper.

  • Make sure and include the theme of your party in the evite so that your guests can dress accordingly. 

  • Before the event, send out a reminder email with directions to your place. 

COSTUME A LA MAD SCIENTIST - Think Doctor Emmett Brown gone killer.

  • Dig in the closet for an old Lab Coat. The one with the tear under the arm, and the burn mark on the elbow works just fine. Sprinkle a little bit of red food coloring all over for a bloody effect. Ketchup will do in a cinch.

  • Dive under the sink for some Rubber Gloves. Yellow or blue will really make the costume pop!

  • Don some Protective Eye Gear, like your old work goggles that are too scratched up to see properly from. You can sprinkle some red food coloring on the edges if you like, giving you the appearance of having just taken a chainsaw to some body parts.

  • Fluff up your locks until they stand on end, or wear a ridiculous Wig.

  • Additional options: A Hazmat Suit works as an outfit any day of the year. A Pocket Protector can serve as an accessory, but if you feel it's too dorky, never mind.

 Doctor Emmett Brown and Marty Mcfly watch as the Delorean vanishes in Back to the Future
Doctor Emmett Brown and Marty McFly watch as the Delorean disappears in Back to the Future (1985)

LABORATORY DECOR - Transform your space into a Spooky Laboratory!

  • A Black Light is a must for your Spooky Laboratory. If you're worried that you'll never use it again, think ahead to future parties. With just one flick of the switch, your space can be transformed into a trashy nightclub or alien spaceship. Extinguish any bright lights that might interfere with the mood.

  • A Fog Machine and Dry Ice will create a creepy atmosphere, bringing to mind graveyards, spaceships and cryogenics chambers. 

  • Make Signs with phrases like "Cryogenics Lab" and "Biohazard" and post them to your hallway closets and bathroom doors. Make sure to also post one on your front door. 

  • Push all your furniture to the walls so that there is more space for your guests to mingle.

  • Cover large furniture like your sofa with white sheets. 

  • Use your dining table as a Buffet for all your main dishes. 

  • Search through your old college junk packed away in cardboard boxes because that old Plasma Lamp will make the perfect centerpiece for your buffet table.

  • Think NEON.  Bright colors and whites will really catch the black light and say Zow! Neon tablecloth. Neon flatware. Neon plates. Neon napkins. Set up everything tableside for easy access.

  • Smaller side tables near seating areas are perfect for smaller munchy snacks in bowls. 

TRICKY TREATS - Keep your guests energized with scrumptious snacks.

  • Mouse Maze Cake - Bake a yellow cake in a sheet pan, following all the instructions on the box. Frost with yellow or white frosting. Then, with black decorative gel frosting, draw the lines creating a three-dimensional looking maze. Shape mice and triangles of cheese from brownies then frost them gray and orange.

  • Pistachio pudding with a touch of green food coloring makes for great Slime.

  • Petri Dish Brownies - Bake brownies in a sheet pan, following all the instructions on the box. With a circular cookie cutter, cut out petri dish sized brownies. Frost with white frosting. Then, with decorative gel frosting, draw creepy amoebas and organisms.

Tip: You can serve any dish or appetizer you like, so long as you create a weird scientific name to it. Examples: Galilean Moon Pizza, Einstein Ice Cream, Tesla Tortilla Chip, Marie Curie Curly Pasta and Copernicus Cupcakes, frosted like sun.

LABORATORY LIBATIONS - Use Lab Equipment as glassware.

  • Use Test Tubes for shot glasses and Beakers for beer mugs.

  • Green or red spiked punch can be served from a Vat or pot.

  • Freeze plastic mini lab mice into Ice Cubes for a silly drink. Warn your guests not to swallow them though! 

CAUTION!: Use only NEW and UNUSED equipment. No one wants old bacteria or crusty goop in their glass!

MUSIC&ENTERTAINMENT - Parties hate silence, so make sure you have some Halloween music to really inspire your guests. 

  • Classic Halloween favorites work just fine. Try The Monster Mash Music CD.

  • Play a science movie like "Weird Science " (1985) or "Young Frankenstein " (1974) on the television. Setting it to Mute will allow your guests to enjoy the images while still chatting.

  • What's a Halloween party without a little Michael Jackson's Thriller?  

  • Lastly, how about a game of Bobbing for Newton's Apples? That's how you transform a Mad Scientist Halloween Party into a Wet Costume Contest fast.